Dance Classes Kellyville
0412 687 890

New Students

Fun Competition Free Dance Classes for Kellyville and Hills District areas


Jigsaw Dance Studios

Please feel free to browse through this page which will hopefully give you a better understanding on what to expect at your first dance class and answer those commonly asked questions

DANCE BAG Checklist

Want to come along for a FREE trial at Jigsaw Dance Studios, but not sure what to pack? We get it and know you have a zillion and one things to remember. That is why we have put together a FREE guide to ensure you don’t forget a thing!


Not sure what to expect at your firstlesson?

Want to come along for a FREE trial at Jigsaw Dance Studios, but not sure what to expect? We get it and know it can be a bit scary coming along for the first time. That is why we have put together a FREE guide to help answer your questions!


Can mum or dad watch the class?

First time parents of the younger groups may watch the beginning of the first class to help settle dancers in. After this we find that the children respond much better without parents and siblings in the studio. However, after many years of experience, special tactics are used for those who have trouble separating from their parents, so don’t worry if it takes your dancer a couple of weeks to feel comfortable and participate.

For all other classes, parents are not permitted to enter or be present in the studio once class has commenced. It is distracting and unsettling for all the dancers. We will give the parents a chance to have a sneak peak for the last 10mins of class during the final week of the term 1 and 3.
Is it compulsory to perform in the Mid & End of Year Concert?

Our concerts are not compulsory but highly recommended. It’s a fun and entertaining experience for everyone involved and a great way for your dancer to show off all their hard work they have done through-out the year.

Our concerts are designed to be pressure free and as relaxed as possible for everyone involved. Our end of year concert is usually at the end of November, so the dancing year finishes before the massive rush and commitments of Christmas start. The dates for our 2021 concerts are: Midyear Showcase: Sunday 6th June End of Year Concert: Sunday 28th November
How do I get started with dance classes?

It is important to us that we get to know each individual family on a personal level so that we can suggest the perfect class for both your needs and your child’s personality.

Once you’ve had a look around our website and you’re ready to get started, simply fill out an enquiry form below or give our friendly team a call on 0468994488. Once we’ve learnt a little bit more about you and your child, we will suggest a class and get you all set up with your free trial. All you need to do is turn up and we will take care of the rest! We will check in with you after your trial to help answer any questions you may have and get you all enrolled for the year.
What are your term dates and can we enrol after the term has started?

We accept students year round, so it is totally fine for you to join even after the term has started. We do break for NSW school holidays though, so your free trial would be scheduled for when we are in the studio.

For 2021 our term dates are as follows: Term 1: Sat 30th Jan – Thurs 1st April Term 2: Mon 19th April – Sat 26th June Term 3: Mon 12th July – Sat 18th Sep Term 4: Tues 5th Oct – Sat 4th Dec Term 1 & 4 are 9 weeks long Term 2 & 3 are 10 weeks long
What does my child wear for their free trial?

Dancers trying classes for the first time are encouraged to come in comfy clothes and sneakers. We always suggest waiting until after the first lesson to purchase your uniform and shoes, just so you can confirm what style it is your child likes best.

Once you are ready to purchase uniform, you can simply fill out an order form at the studio and place it, along with the money, in one of our envelopes and leave in the mailbox at the front desk. Just write your child’s normal clothing size and we will have your uniform ready for you the following week. You can also purchase discounted uniform at our annual Open Day in January.
Once I have enrolled, what are the next steps?

Fantastic! We are so thrilled you’ve chosen Jigsaw Dance and look forward to sharing many years with you and your child. Now that you’ve enrolled and paid the membership fee, your spot is well and truly secured in the chosen classes.

We like to let you settle in first, so don’t stress if you don’t receive your invoice straightaway. You should receive it within 7 days and can then pay via cash, bank transfer or credit card. Over your first couple of weeks, you will receive some welcome emails to bring you up to speed on everything Jigsaw related. Your child will also receive their welcome gift in class!

Fill out an enquiry form below and we will be in touch to help find the perfect class for you.


Our team will schedule your free trial for you and let you know where to be and when. You will also get a reminder email 24hrs before, so alll you have to do is show up!


Once you’ve had your free trial, we will be in touch to answer any further questions you may have and get you all set up in your favourite classes. Easy as that!

Fill out a form below to claim your