We run the studio from the perspective of an everyday, busy parent and as such we try to keep all costs to a minimum and as affordable as possible. We also like to be transparent and upfront about costs, so you can plan accordingly.
For those new to the studio, you can take advantage of our FREE one week trial to ensure that Jigsaw Dance is the right fit for you and your dancer. Simply email and she would be happy to arrange this for you.COSTUME DEPOSIT FEE
At Jigsaw Dance we run a costume deposit fund. This is to help ease the financial burden at the end of the year. We try to keep costume costs to a minimum and know that our parents appreciate that. This cost includes: measuring your child, materials, dress making, shipping, accessories, hair accessories, props and costume bag. (AND….. you get to keep your costume!)
At Jigsaw Dance, the 3rd (least paying student from a family) and any other subsequent children, dance for free. So you only ever pay for the first two children’s tuition fees (membership & costume fees still need to be paid for each individual child) We will handle this for you and so if you have 3 or more children enrolled, you will see the deduction on your first invoice.
With all the exciting classes on offer at Jigsaw Dance, we offer a fee capping system to make it more affordable for our families. For all our Jigsaw Juniors, Rising Stars & Shooting Stars Classes (Private Lessons not included)
Payment Policies
Fees are paid by the term and in advance. During week 7-8 you will be emailed your invoice for the following term (with the exception of Term 1) If you have joined us mid term, don’t worry, we will adjust your invoice so that you only pay from after your free trial. Classes still need to be paid for regardless of whether or not your child was in attendance. In fairness to all dancers, classes still need to be paid for if you go on holidays. If you happen to miss a class you are entitled to 2 make up classes per term, assuming there are no outstanding fees. The membership fee is non-refundable as it secures your spot in the class and as such the resources, props and extra activities we include for each dancer. For new students, this also includes your welcome pack including your child’s dance diary. If you decide to leave or not perform in the concert, the deposited costume fees can be refunded (before costumes have been ordered)
Cash payment for term fees are accepted and can be paid at the studio reception. A member of staff will be able to complete this payment method for you and provide a written receipt for your purchase.
Payments via bank account can be made directly to our bank account BSB: 012 321 Account No: 387 332 324 Account Name: Jigsaw Dance Description: Child’s initial and surname + abbreviation for what payment is for
If you direct debit, please email confirmation receipt to with the description details.CREDIT CARD
We have EFTPOS facilities at our studio and would be more than happy to take your payment via credit/debit card if this suits you better. Simply let us know and we can arrange this for you.
We are an approved Active & Creative Kids Voucher Provider and would be happy to use your voucher towards your term fees.
We cannot put through, both the Creative & Active Kids vouchers within the same term, however we would be more than happy to apply one of the vouchers towards a term and save another for the next term. If you have a voucher you would like to use, please fill out the below form and await for our confirmation before making payment.